Electric Charge:
1.) An electric charge can be positive, negative, or neutral.
2.) The electric charge of a body is always quantized and follows the equation: q=ne
3.) The electric charge of a body remains unaffected by its speed.
4.) Charge is strictly conserved.
5.) Electrostatic forces between two charged bodies can be either attractive or repulsive.
6.) Electrostatic forces between multiple charges can sometimes cancel each other out.
7.) A charged body always carries some mass.
1.) The mass of a body is always...
Weak nuclear force or interaction and its properties

What is weak nuclear force?
Weak nuclear force is an act between only elementary particles involved in the nuclear process of β - decay. The β decay are two types
1.) Beta Pluse Decay
2.) Beta Minus Decay
1.) Beta Plus Decay:
When a beta plus decay occurs, a proton converts into a neutron and releases a positron & an electron-neutrino. It also reduces one atomic number of an element and converts it into another...
Description of Errors in Measurement
Errors in Measurement
The following errors are likely to occur in the measurement of a physical quantity:
(1) Systematic Errors (arise due to known causes. The experimenter has control over the errors)
(2) Random Errors (arise due to unknown causes. The experimenter has no control over the errors)
(1) Systematic Errors:
When a measurement always has the same error (i.e. the nature or sign of the error is always of the same type, positive or negative), it is called systematic error.
Systematic errors occur due to known causes....
Description of Force and their Types
Force is a push or pull by which the state of the object changes or tends to change.
Types of forces:
There are two types of forces-
1.) Contact Force
2.) Non-Contact Force
1.) Contact force:
When there is physical contact between the two objects by push or pull then it is known as contact force.
For Example:
i.) When a coiled spring is stretched (pulled), the two ends of the spring must be in actual contact with the person's hands.
ii.) Kicking a football, and pulling a cart are also contact forces.
Finding Significant Figures in a Measurement
What is significant Figure?
The total number of digits (i.e. doubtful digit and confirm digits) in any measurement is known as significant figure.
The digits that reflect the precision of the measurement are called significant figures.
Counting of Significant Figures in any Measurement:
Knowing the significant figures in a measure is based on the following rules-
(1) All non-zero numbers are significant figures.
For example, 46.3598 has 6 significant figures.
(2) All zero numbers between two non-zero numbers are significant...
Limitations of Dimensional Analysis
Limitations of Dimensional Analysis:
(1) It is not possible to find the numerical value of constants k (dimensionless) present in the formulas by this method. It can be obtained by experiment or other method.
(2) If any physical quantity depends on more than three quantities, then the mutual relation between these quantities cannot be established by this method. However, the dimensional correctness of any given equation of this type can be checked.
(3) If any physical quantity depends on only three physical quantities, but the dimensions...
Difference between Forced Vibrations and Resonant Vibrations
Forced Vibrations:
1. The vibrations of a body under an external periodic force of frequency different from the natural frequency of the body, are called forced vibrations.
2. The amplitude of vibration is small.
3. The vibrations of the body are not in phase with the external periodic force.
4. These vibrations last for a very short time after the periodic force has ceased to act.
Resonant Vibrations:
1. The vibrations of a body under an external periodic force of frequency exactly equal to the natural frequency of the body,...
Difference between Natural Vibrations and Damped Vibrations
Natural Vibrations:
1. The amplitude of natural vibrations or free vibrations remains constant and the vibrations continue forever.
2. Natural vibrations never lose energy during vibrations.
3. There are no external forces acting on the vibrating body. The vibrations are only under the restoring force.
4. The frequency of vibrations depends on the size and shape of the body and it remains constant.
Damped Vibrations:
1. The amplitude of damped vibrations gradually decreases or reduces with time and ultimately the vibrations cease.
Difference between Natural (Free) Vibrations and Forced Vibrations
Natural (Free) Vibrations:
1.) The vibrations of a body in absence of any resistive or external force are called natural vibrations.
2.) The frequency of vibration depends on the shape and size of the body.
3.) The frequency of vibration remains Constant.
4.) The amplitude of vibration remains constant with time (in absence of surrounding medium).
Forced Vibrations:
1.) The vibrations of a body in a medium in presence of an external periodic force are called forced vibrations.
2.) The frequency of vibration is equal to the...
Renewable Energy Sources
Renewable Energy Sources:
Various renewable energy sources are as follows:
Solar Energy:
The solar energy is a non conventional energy source. It is very cost effective clean and non polluted renewable energy source and reduces the greenhouse gas effect.
The Solar Energy is derived from the Sun radiation and can be utilised by photosynthesis, photo voltaic cell, photo thermoelectric system.
The sun release the enormous amount of energy and it's rate of radiation is 3.7×1020 megawatt while the earth receive the radiation...
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