Weak nuclear force or interaction and its properties

What is weak nuclear force? 

Weak nuclear force is an act between only elementary particles involved in the nuclear process of $\beta$ - decay. The $\beta$ decay are two types

1.) Beta Pluse Decay
2.) Beta Minus Decay

1.) Beta Plus Decay:

When a beta plus decay occurs, a proton converts into a neutron and releases a positron $\&$ an electron-neutrino. It also reduces one atomic number of an element and converts it into another element.
Beta Plus Decay
2.) Beta Minus Decay:

When a beta minus decay occurs, a neutrons convert into a proton and releases an electron $\&$ electron-antineutrino. It also increases one atomic number of an element and converts it into another element.
Beta Minus Decay
In addition to beta decay, some scientists also find many other types of weak force like "charged-current" or "neutral-current". The charge is required for "charged-curent" but not for "neutral-current"; because of that, there are two types of charged carriers: one is the $W$ boson charge carrier and $Z$ boson.

Important properties of weak nuclear force :

1. Any process involving neutrino and antineutrino is governed by weak nuclear force because these particles can experience only weak interaction and not strong nuclear interaction.

2. The strength of weak nuclear force is greater than gravitational force and less than electromagnetic force.

3. It operates only in the range of nuclear size ($ \approx 10^{-15} m$).

4. The messenger particles that transmit the weak nuclear force between elementary particles are the massive vector bosons ($W^{\pm}, Z^{\circ}$).

5. The decay of in weak nuclear force (e.g., the decay of a pion to a muon and a neutrino) is much slower than the decay caused by strong nuclear or electromagnetic forces.

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