Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable Energy Sources:

Various renewable energy sources are as follows:

Solar Energy:

The solar energy is a non conventional energy source. It is very cost effective clean and non polluted renewable energy source and reduces the greenhouse gas effect.

The Solar Energy is derived from the Sun radiation and can be utilised by photosynthesis, photo voltaic cell, photo thermoelectric system.

The sun release the enormous amount of energy and it's rate of radiation is $3.7 \times 10^{20}$ megawatt while the earth receive the radiation at rate by $1.85 \times 10^{11}$ megawatt. So energy radiation by the sun is several times more than the consumption of radiation in the earth.


1.) It is very clean energy.

2.) It is non polluted energy source.

3.) It is zero cost energy source and low maintenance cost.

4.) It has zero noise in operation.

Disadvantages :

1.) Energy source cannot utilise properly at night, cloudy atmosphere and rainy day.

2.) It has required large surface area to collect the energy source from Sun.

Hydro energy:

The hydro energy is derived from moving and falling water which convert into mechanical energy and utilise for production of electrical energy through turbine.

The water is stored in reservoir or dam has high potential energy and when water flow or fall under the gravity then it rotate the turbine and produces the electricity.


1.) It is very clean energy source.

2.) It produce zero pollution.

3.) It has zero fuel cost.

4.) It requires low maintenance cost.

5.) It is reliable energy source.


1.) It can cause climate change due to high amount of storage of water in mountains.

2.) It can cause flood and disrupt ecosystem.

Wind energy:

Wind energy is also non polluting energy source and it has tremendous potential to fulfill the demand of energy of the country.

It is estimated that only $2 \%$ of solar energy fall on the earth and converted into kinetic energy of the atmospheric molecules or atoms. The highest kinetic energy of atmosphere is found in the lower to mid troposphere layer which is lowest layer of atmosphere because of that this kinetic energy can be easily converted to the mechanical energy which can futher utilise for the production of electrical energy and other energy production.


1.) It is useful for remote places for the production of electricity.

2.) The availability of the source is zero cost.


1.) This energy source cannot be properly utilised where wind is available at very higher location.

2.) It is unreliable because flow of wind cannot be continuous all the time.

Wave Energy:

The wave energy is available on the surface of sea. The floating propeller is placed on the surface of the shallow water near to shores and due to motion of wave propeller get start to rotate and this rotational energy is used to derive the turbines.


1.) This is clean or cheap energy source.

2.) The size of the machine for the collection of wave is comparatively smaller than solar device.


Corrrosion of material used in plant.

Geothermal energy:

This is the energy is produced due to hot rocks present inside the earth. The temperature of the earth increases with increase in depth below the surface of the earth. The hot molted rock is present at center or core of the earth this causes volcano action. The hot rock is pull out from volcano and used to produce the steam by heating water. This steam is further utilised for the operation of turbine to produce the electricity.


It is cheap source which requires small area for the operation or production of the electricity.


1.) It causes the air pollution due to production of gases like $H_{2}S$ and $NH_{3}$in steam waste.

2.) It is also causes noise pollution due to drilling operation.

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