Fluid and it's important characteristics

What are fluids?

A fluid is a substance that can flow. The fluid has no definite shape. Its shapes depends upon the containing vessel i.e. It cannot resist shearing stress and adjust their form accordingly.

What is ideal fluid?

Those fluid which have zero compressibility and zero viscosity is called ideal fluid.

Important characteristics of fluids :

(1) Random Molecular Arrangment: The atoms or molecules within a fluid are arranged randomly unlike the structured arrangment in a solid.

(2) Inability to resist shearing stress: A fluid cannot withstand tangential or shearing stress for an indefinite period. When a shearing stress is applied, it begins to flow.

(3) No fixed shape: A fluid has no definite shape of its own and it adopt the shape of their container. Consequently, a fluid does not possess modulus of rigidity.

(4) Ability to exert perpendicular force: A fluid exert a force in a direction normal to its surface. Consequently, a fluid does possess bulk modulus of rigidity.

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