Nuclear Fission:
When a heavy nucleus breaks into two or more smaller, lighter nuclei and produces high energy, this process is called as nuclear fission.
$_{92}U^{235} + _{0}n^{1} (Neutron) \rightarrow _{92}U^{236} \rightarrow _{56}Ba^{141} + _{36}Kr^{92} +3 _{0}n^{1} + \gamma$
Nuclear Fusion:
When two or more very light nuclei move with a very high speed then these nuclei are fused and form a single nucleus. This process is called as nuclear fusion.
Example: Two deuterons can be fused to form a triton(tritium nucleus) as reaction is shown below:
$_{1}H^{2} + _{1}H^{2} \rightarrow _{1}H^{3} + _{1}H^{1} + 4.0 \: MeV \:(Energy)$
$_{1}H^{3} (Tritium) + _{1}H^{2} \rightarrow _{2}He^{4} + _{0}n^{1} + 17.6.0 \: MeV \:(Energy)$
The total result of the above two equations is the fusion of deuterons and produces an $\alpha - $ particle $(_{2}He^{4})$, a neutron $(_{0}n^{1})$ and a proton $(_{1}H^{1})$. The total released energy is $21.6 MeV$.
Alternatively, the fusion of three deutrons $(_{1}H^{2})$ into $\alpha -$ partice can takes place as follows:
$_{1}H^{2} + _{1}H^{2} \rightarrow _{2}He^{3} + _{0}n^{1} + 3.3 \: MeV \:(Energy)$
$_{2}He^{3} + _{1}H^{2} \rightarrow _{2}He^{4} + _{1}H^{1} + 18.3 \: MeV \:(Energy)$