Resolving Power of Optical Instrument | Rayleigh Criterion of Resolution

Resolving power of an optical instrument:

The ability of an optical instrument to just resolve the images of two closely spaced objects is called its resolving power.

Limit of Resolution:

The smallest distance between two closely spaced objects that can be seen as separated or just separated from each other through an optical instrument is known as the limit of resolution of that optical instrument.

Rayleigh Criterion:

Rayleigh criterion describes the separation between the two objects or wavelengths (i.e. resolving power) by the resultant intensity distribution of objects and wavelengths. According to Rayleigh's criterion, there are the following cases:

Case:1 If two point sources have very small angular separation, then central or principal maxima in their diffraction patterns will overlap to a large extent and resultant intensity shows uniform variation. As shown in the figure below. In this case, the two objects or wavelengths can not be distinguished or unresolved.
Rayleigh Criterion of Resolution Case I

Case:2 If two point sources have very large angular separation then the central or principal maxima are widely separated and the resultant intensity shows two widely separated peaks. As shown in the figure below. In this case, the objects or wavelengths are resolved well.
Rayleigh Criterion of Resolution Case II

Case:3 If the central or principal maxima in the diffraction pattern of one object or wavelength coincide with the first minima in the diffraction pattern of the other objects or wavelength then the resultant intensity shows a small dip. As shown in the figure below. In this case, the objects or wavelengths are seen to be just separate or just resolved.
Rayleigh Criterion of Resolution Case III

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