Difference between Potentiometer and Voltmeter

There are the following differences between a potentiometer and a voltmeter given below:


1.) It is based on null method.

2.) It gives an accurate value of emf.

3.) While measuring emf, it does not draw any current from the cell.

4.) Resistance of potentiometer wire becomes infinite while measuring emf.

5.) It can be used for various experimental purposes.

6.) It can not be taken conveniently from one place to another place.


1.) It is based on the deflection method.

2.) It does not give an accurate value of emf.

3.) While measuring emf, it draws some current from the cell. Hence it reads slightly less than the actual emf.

4.) The resistance of the voltmeter is high enough but not infinite.

5.) It can be used to measure potential differences only.

6.) It can be conveniently taken from one place to another place.

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