
عرض المشاركات من فبراير, ٢٠٢٣

Eigen value of the momentum of a particle in one dimension box or infinite potential well


Electric field intensity due to uniformly charged solid sphere (Conducting and Non-conducting)

Derivation of Planck's Radiation Law

Orthogonality of the wave functions of a particle in one dimension box or infinite potential well


The electric potential at different points (like on the axis, equatorial, and at any other point) of the electric dipole


Electric field intensity due to uniformly charged plane sheet and parallel sheet


Electric field intensity due to uniformly charged wire of infinite length


Electric field intensity due to point charge by Gauss's Law


Normalization of the wave function of a particle in one dimension box or infinite potential well


The electric potential energy of an electric dipole in the uniform electric field

de-Broglie Concept of Matter wave

Group velocity is equal to particle velocity


Principle, Construction and Working of Venturimeter

Solution of electromagnetic wave equations in conducting media

Electromagnetic Wave Equation in Conducting Media (i.e. Lossy dielectric or Partially Conducting)