Work done by a rotating electric dipole in uniform electric field

Derivation of Work done by a rotating electric dipole in uniform electric field :

Let us consider, An electric dipole AB, made up of two charges $+q$ and $-q$, is placed at a very small distance $2l$ in a uniform electric field $\overrightarrow{E}$. If dipole $AB$ rotates at angle $θ$ from its equilibrium position. If $A'$ and $B'$ are the new position of a dipole in the electric field. Then force on $+q$ charge particle due to electric field→

$ \overrightarrow{F_{+q}}=q\overrightarrow{E}\qquad (1)$

Then force on $-q$ charge particle due to electric field→

$ \overrightarrow{F_{-q}}=q\overrightarrow{E}\qquad(2)$
Work done by rotating an electric dipole in an external uniform electric field
Work done by rotating an electric dipole 
So work done by a force on $+q$ charge particle to bring from position $A$ to position $A'$→

$ \overrightarrow{W_{+q}}=\overrightarrow{F_{+q}}·\overrightarrow{AC}$

$ \overrightarrow{W_{+q}}=q\overrightarrow{E}· \overrightarrow{AC}\qquad(3)$

Similarly, work done by the force on $-q$ charge particle to bring from position $B$ to position $B'$→

$ \overrightarrow{W_{-q}}=\overrightarrow{F_{-q}}·\overrightarrow{BD}$

$ \overrightarrow{W_{-q}}=q\overrightarrow{E}· \overrightarrow{BD}\qquad (4)$

So the total work is done by the force on the dipole→

$ \overrightarrow{W}=\overrightarrow{W_{+q}}\:+\:\overrightarrow{W_{-q}}$

$\overrightarrow{W}=q\overrightarrow{E}·(\overrightarrow{AC}+\overrightarrow{BD})\qquad (5)$

From the figure, There is symmetry so

$ \overrightarrow{AC}=\overrightarrow{BD}$

So from equation $(5)$

$ \overrightarrow{W}=q\overrightarrow{E}·(2\overrightarrow{AC})$

$ \overrightarrow{W}=2q\overrightarrow{E}(\overrightarrow{AO}-\overrightarrow{CO})\qquad (6)$

From figure→

$ \left | \overrightarrow{AO} \right |=l$

$ \left | \overrightarrow{CO} \right |=l\:cos \theta$

Now substitute the values in equation (6). So equation (6) can be written as in magnitude form →

$ W=2qE(l-l\:cos\theta )$

$ W=2qEl(1-cos\theta )$

$ W=pE(1-cos\theta )$

The above expression shows that work is done on a rotating electric dipole in a uniform electric field.

Case (i):

If $\theta=0^{\circ}$, Then work done will be minimum


Case (ii):

If $\theta=90^{\circ}$, Then work done


Case (iii):

If $\theta=180^{\circ}$, Then work done will be maximum


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